Deploy Hyperglance in AWS using a Cloudformation Template

Follow this step-by-step guide to deploy Hyperglance using our Cloudformation Template (CFT)

  1. Click Launch Hyperglance Cloudformation stack
  2. Specify stack details, filling out the fields:
    1. Stack name: This can be any lowercase freeform text, we recommend 'hyperglance'
    2. Instance size: See here for an explanation of sizing
    3. Choose an SSH key pair: Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair. The Hyperglance instance will launch with this KeyPair.
    4. Initial security group entry for TCP port 443: The IP range that can connect to the Hyperglance UI. Must be a valid CIDR range of the form x.x.x.x/x
    5. Initial security group entry for TCP port 22: The IP range that can SSH to the Hyperglance instance. Must be a valid CIDR range of the form x.x.x.x/x IP configuration
    6. Assign a Public IP: Hyperglance needs to access the AWS API endpoints in order to function. See here for an article on deployment models. The two most common deployment models are 
      1. The Hyperglance instance has a public IP, the subnet Hyperglance runs in has a route to an internet Gateway and the Security group is configured to restrict access.
      2. The Hyperglance instance doesn't have a public IP, the subnet Hyperglance runs in has a route to a NAT Gateway and the Security group is configured to restrict access.
    7. Assign Static Private IP: Do you want to assign a Static Private IP? Most people leave this as 'False'. Must be a valid IP range of the form x.x.x.x and must be part of the selected subnet range
    8. VPC configuration: VPC to use for the Hyperglance instance. 
    9. Subnet to use for the Hyperglance instance: The ID of an existing subnet (for the primary network) in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) you have chosen

      Once all the fields have been filled out, select Next
  3. Configure stack options: Add any Tags as per your company policy (you don't need to add an IAM policy as the CFT creates one).
  4. On the review screen:
    1. Scroll down to the bottom and check I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources
    2. Select Create Stack
    3. The stack will take approximately 5 minutes to fully deploy. There is a 'refresh' icon at the top right to update the text.
  5. Once the CFT has completed, navigate to the Outputs column in the top-middle of the page
    1. Copy the Instance ID, this will be the initial Hyperglance password
    2. Click on the relevant DNS or IP entry and you'll be sent to the Hyperglance web portal
  6. Proceed to follow the AWS deployment guide and the on-screen instructions to activate Hyperglance.