How to enable AWS Automations & Actions

Find out how to deploy Automations from our Github repository, and connect them to your Hyperglance instance

The IAM Policy on the Role associated with the Hyperglance EC2 Instance will need the following permissions added:



1. Before you begin, you will need:

    1. Terraform CLI (install instructions)
    2. AWS CLI (install instructions)
    3. Hyperglance deployed in your AWS VPC

2. The IAM Policy on the Role associated with the Hyperglance EC2 Instance will need the following permissions added:
3. Connect the AWS CLI to the AWS account that hosts Hyperglance by running: aws configure (you will need an AWS IAM access and secret key). Here's an example:
$ aws configure
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]: json
4. Clone our repo or download the zip
$ git clone

5. Deploy the stack:

Terraform will prompt for the region you wish to deploy to and for final confirmation
$ cd aws-rule-automations/deployment/terraform/automations
$ terraform init
$ terraform apply

6. Once complete, the bucket name and lambda function ARN will be returned:

Apply complete! Resources: 8 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


bucket_name = "hyperglance-automations-lucky-marmoset"
lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:0123456789:function:hyperglance-automations-stinky-fish"

The lambda ARN is required to configure automations across accounts

7. Copy the bucket_name into Hyperglance (Settings > Automations > S3 Bucket Name)

Leave the 'Role ARN' field blank. This is only needed if you deploy the stack to a different AWS account from the Hyperglance Instance.

8. That's it - Automations are now enabled!

    • Within Hyperglance click on any rule or visit the Advanced Search page to start exploring automations features.
    • If you need automations to run on resources from other AWS Accounts then have a read of our cross-account usage instructions.