How to install Hyperglance on your own Instance or VM

If you need to install Hyperglance on your own hardened/golden VM, follow these instructions

The Hyperglance installer uses Ansible and Docker to install Hyperglance to your own Instance/VM. 

The installer has been tested against:

  • Amazon Linux 2
  • CentOS 7
  • RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) 7
  • RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) 8
  • Ubuntu 16.04 (LTS), Ubuntu 18.04 (LTS) & Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS)
Please use one of these distributions.

General Pre-Requisites

The installer should NOT be run from the same machine that it is installing on to. Please run it from a separate machine that has SSH access to the target host.

  1. Docker Installed and Running on the system you're running the installer from.
    1. python - Found on most *nix based systems
    2. Access to the SSH key to access the target host.

    The Hyperglance Installer takes care of all other pre-requisites on the target host, including docker installation.


    Deployment instructions

    This deployment should be run from any system that has ssh access to the target. Do NOT run it on the same machine that you are installing to. Execute the deployment from a remote system, or control node where your private key(s) already resides.

    Deploy Hyperglance remotely to your target instance

    This method will use a docker container to deploy Hyperglance to another system that you have SSH access to.

    From your "installer" machine (NOT the "target" machine that you are installing Hyperglance onto) perform the following commands to start the deployment:

    1. docker pull hyperglance/hyperglance_installer
    2. Create an inventory file:
      touch inventory 
    3. Populate this file with the following content:

      ansible_user=<SSH username>
      • Replace the IP Address with the target IP
      • Change the ansible_user.
      • If using SSH keys do not change the private_key_file path (please use the exact path as shown)
      • If using SSH passwords remove the ansible_ssh_private_key_file line entirely.

    4. Run the installer with the following command.
      • Command for SSH keys:
        Make sure to change MY_KEY to the correct name of the SSH key
        docker run --rm -it \
        -v ~/.ssh/MY_KEY:/root/.ssh/id_rsa \
        -v $(pwd)/inventory:/ansible/playbooks/inventory \
        hyperglance/hyperglance_installer:latest deploy.yml -i inventory
      • Command for SSH passwords:
        docker run --rm -it \
        -v $(pwd)/inventory:/ansible/playbooks/inventory \
        hyperglance/hyperglance_installer:latest deploy.yml -i inventory --ask-pass
    5. You will see some output from the container as it deploys, failed=0 is a good sign of success
      PLAY RECAP *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
      ip-172-31-30-191 : ok=14 changed=8 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0

    DONE! Hyperglance should now be available using the IP / DNS Name of the host. 

    Apply the Hyperglance licence: