How to update the Hyperglance automation deployment

It is important to keep your automations up-to-date so that you receive the latest security & bug fixes, improvements and new automations.

Note: When you first ran terraform apply Terraform created a tfstate file in the deployment/terraform/automations directory which tracks the resources it created at the time.

In order to update the existing deployment you need that tfstate file to be in that directory!


Follow the appropriate instructions according to which cloud your automations were deployed to:

Updating AWS Automations

  1. Pull the latest updates from git
    $ cd aws-rule-automations
    $ git pull
  2. Authenticate with AWS by running: aws configure
  3. Re-apply the terraform stack; Terraform will apply any updates to the cloud resources it already created:
    $ cd deployment/terraform/automations
    $ terraform apply
  4. It is a good idea to also update the Hyperglance application at the same time

Updating Azure Automations

  1. Pull the latest updates from git
    $ cd azure-rule-automations
    $ git pull
  2. Authenticate with Azure by running: 
     az login
    az account set --subscription <subscription name>
  3. Re-apply the terraform stack:
    $ cd deployment/terraform/automations
    $ terraform apply
  4. It is a good idea to also update the Hyperglance application at the same time